Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Some recent photo's

Hey all,
Just a few photo's from my camera phone from over the past few weeks, mostly of a walk we went on last Sunday down near Cambridge with Kieran and Nic. Just like the Yorkshire Dales, except for the tropical stuff and amazingly crystal clear river.

A Maori carving up in a place called Omaha. Huge designer houses line the beach up here, showoffs!

A fern ready to unravel - NZ is covered with these things.

We'll be back to swim in this one day.

On my ferry home last night, the NZ Americas Cup yaughts sailed past. They're pretty big, about 40m high!?

We're hoping to get some of the Thailand vids up here soon, been a bit lazy recently!

Until then,



Sunday, 5 October 2008


Well it's not that exciting but we had our first visitors today, Ki and Nic. Since we don't know anyone here it was nice to have someone round and to show them the pad. We had a relaxed lunch and a play on the wii it was just fun to have friends round. Ki and Nic have to travel 2hrs to get here so it's not like they can pop round anytime so we loved that they made the effort.

It's a bit up in the air here about how much longer we'll be living in this property. We've been offered a lease to october next year but our desire to have a puppy is making us think of looking around, we love it here so ultimately i think we'll end up staying. It's so close to the transport links to James' work it's only 15mins from mine we're close to the sea and the bush, there are shops within walking distance and loads of cool relaxed cafe just opposite our drive it make you feel like you're living in a resort. It would have to be a dream property to encourage us to move!

Been speaking to lots of people in England this weekend which is cool and makes it seem like we're really not that far away.
Heard it's raining in England today. Hope it's not too depressing!!
(Really not missing the English climate i have to say)


Weezer are back!

Not really relevant to our New Zealand experience, but I just think that everyone should see this video -

I couldn't actually embed the video in to the blog due to copyright stuff, but hope you can follow the link. Sorry if I'm behind the times with this, but I've only just heard this song over here and I'm going to go buy the album asap.

The mighty Weezer return!


PS-some Thailand videos to upload next week, ooooh yeah!