Told you I probably wouldn't keep up with updating the blog regularly. Suppose it shows how well we've settled here that we don't rush to the computer to let everyone know what we did today. We're taking for granted the fact that we get to go surfing most weekends on amazing beaches, and that we're constantly surrounded by beautiful scenery.
Anyway, quick sumamry of what we've done over the last month:
-Surfing, getting better, but I've just got an ear infection from 'cleaning' my ear too much and not letting the wax protect my ear. Hurts like hell at the moment.
-Went to see Billy Connolly a couple of weeks ago at the Vector Arena. He was brilliant, as expected!
-Went to see 'La Clique' ( friday, as part of the Auckland Festival. This was awesome, and highly recommended if any of you ever get the chance in your neck of the woods. It won awards at the Edinburgh Festival last year, and is now touring round worldwide festivals. It'd basically a variety of acts, in a small intimate tent, some burlesque, music, magic, trapeze, etc. Really fun atmosphere, only about 200 people in the audience, etc.
-Went across to Waiheke Island to see an outdoor sculpture exhibition dotted along its coast. Nice walk, new view of Auckland City from their, art descriptions doesn't impress me at all when artisit try to make their creations more than whet they are - just a lump of material that can sometimes look cool. Get a real job!!!
-Ran a relay round Lake Taupo in a team of 15 people, covered 160km between us. Our legs were at 4am and 5am, so running in the pitch black was strange indeed, like sensory depravation I suppose.
-Got rid of a huge spider in the bedroom, no poisonous spiders here, but all the same, BIG!

-Laughed a lot at these videos! Quite possibly one of the funniest thigs I've ever seen. Time to get a dog me thinks!!
So, that was something like the last month, maybe not in that order?!
Take care ya'll
PS-oh yeah, there was Jody's birthday too - oops!
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